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We are proud of our high attendance. Our children enjoy coming to school and our families support their children's learning by ensuring children come to school regularly and on time.
If your child is ill, please ring us and leave a message on our answer machine or speak to us. Please make sure you tell us before registration at 8:55am. If we do not know where your child is we will contact you just after 9am in line with safeguarding and attendance policy guidance.
In line with DFE expectations and the Local Authority guidelines, term time absence for family holiday purposes is not permitted. Where families choose to take holiday in term time of 5 consecutive school days or more then we will follow guidelines and refer the case to the Local Authority who may choose to issue a fixed penalty notice.
Short absences for family weddings, emergencies, bereavement or funerals are all authorised absences. These absences should be notified in writing for the attention of the headteacher.
In the parents section, we have provided a form to complete in the case of term time absence. Please note, all term time holiday of 5 consecutive days or more will automatically be referred to the Local Authority in line with DFE and Local Authority guidance.
If families have any questions they should contact the School Business Manager for more information or read the policy below.