Our Vision as a Church of England school is to deliver a caring, stimulating and enjoyable experience for all our pupils, during which pupils are expected to do their best at all times and to live out our Christian values, underpinned by John 10:10-
Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness.
Pupils should leave our school with strong basic skills including communication, self-management and team-working skills, able to access the next stage of learning, be useful and caring citizens of our country with pride and awareness of our collective values and with special memories of their time at our school.
Our Mission Statement is “to learn with care, fun, faith and respect".
What this means - Our Christian vision, ethos and values are at the core of everything we do in school. All adults chose to work in a Church of England school and to work with one another and our whole wider school community in a Christian way - treating all with respect and care. We understand that all adults are role models for pupils and work hard to establish positive relationships with families from the start of a family's time with us at our welcome evening, to the end of a child's time with us at the Leavers' Service.
The broad Christian ethos, values and vision underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which nurtures our pupils enabling them to leave our school as caring, confident, happy citizens. Children understand that we are all children of God and are guided to support and serve one another e.g. as House Captain's, School Council or buddies during their time in school and with the adults in school to guide and support them too.
The shared Christian values of honesty, respect and care are key to our ways of working with and supporting our families.