Statutory Information

Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness. John, 10:10

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Statutory Information and associated policies

This page contains many documents, policies and reports. Please contact the school office if you require a paper copy of any of the information on the school website.  These printouts will be provided free of charge.

Please click on a section heading below to reveal associated content.

School Contact Details

The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquires should be address is:

Mrs Maria Hawkins, Headteacher, Wilbarston CE Primary School, School Lane, Wilbarston, Leicestershire, LE16 8QN, 01536 771252

To contact the school electronically please complete the enquiry form on the contact us page which is located here or email

To contact Richard Symonds, Chair of the Local Academy Board please email

For enquiries in relation to special educational needs please contact the school SENCO Mrs Lucy Park using the above contact form

Wilbarston CE Primary School is part of the Pathfinder Schools Academy Trust, Greening Road, Rothwell, NN14 6BB, 01536 903399

Admissions Arrangements

If you would like your child to attend our school, applications are made via the Local Authority and this can be accessed by using the NCC Admissions below.

A copy of our prospectus is available below:

Pupils who live in the designated villages and contributory parishes of Wilbarston, Stoke Albany, Weston By Welland, Ashley, Sutton Bassett, Dingley and Brampton Ash are linked to Wilbarston CE Primary School as their nearest allocated school.

Please follow the links below to request an in year school place or to apply for a new Reception or Secondary school place or if your child has special educational needs or disabilities:

To request an in year school place

Applying for a Primary school place for September 2024

The application process closes on January 15th 2024

Follow the links above for information on how to make a late application.

School admissions arrangements for children with SEND

The published admission number (PAN) for Reception is 15.

Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN or an EHC Plan that names the school as the appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than

There are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children (see paragraph 6.1 for definition of ‘Looked After Children’).
  2. Children with a sibling link (see paragraph 6.3 for definition of ‘sibling’) continuing at the school at the time of the admission of the younger child.
  3. Children who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
  4. Other children.

Distance Tiebreaker
If the admission number is exceeded within criterion 3, priority will be given to those who live furthest from their nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.
Measurements are carried out in a straight line basis from the child’s home address to the address point of the school using NNC’s GIS System. 
In the case where multiple applications for the same shared dwelling occurs (eg. Flats), a randomiser (will be used to decide the priority in which the pupils within the shared dwelling are selected in the event of a tie or where two distances are equal. The random allocation process will be subject to independent verification.

 Appeals Process

If you have applied and been refused a place at our school (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision.

Appeals for Wilbarston CE Primary School are administered by North Northamptonshire Council Admissions Team. For more information on the process please see: 

Appeal a school place

School Uniform

Information about the school guidance in relation to school uniform can be found on our uniform page

Ofsted Inspections

Our last Ofsted visit was in July 2015 where the school was reported as Good.

Information as to where and by what means parents may access the most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills can be found is available here.  Please follow this link to access Ofsted Parent View 

Church SIAMS Inspections

As a Church of England School we are also inspected by the National Society on behalf of the Peterborough Diocese Board of Education. The school was inspected in November 2021 and a Section 48 SIAMS Report was provided. We were delighted that the inspection agreed with our school evaluation and that the report recognised the hard work of staff, pupils and families in partnership. The main findings are below:

  • Christian Values permeate all aspects of the school's life which has a significant impact on the lives of the pupils.

  • There are positive relationships, respect and care between all members of the school community

  • There are "happy children, who love to come to school and enjoy learning"

  • There is "outstanding personal and spiritual development of the pupils"

  • The headteacher provides clear and determined leadership with supportive staff and governors

Our KS2 results and School performance data is held online at the Department of Education Performance Tables website

Link to government school results page: 

Compare schools Website

School Opening Hours

Information about the structure of the school day can be found on The School Day page

School Curriculum

We have a siginicant amount of information related to the Curriculum which can be found on a dedicated page.

Behaviour & Anti-bullying

As a school our expectations of behaviour are high; we expect pupils to behave around school and when we take them out of school. Our children expect good behaviour from one another and it is rare that behaviour of pupils falls below what we would expect.

We reward effort of pupils and perseverance in our school. Good behaviour is expected and not usually rewarded. However, pupils are rewarded with house points and weekly certificates for being a good role model to others or exemplifying our Christian values in specific ways. Our  House Captains also choose members of their own houses to award certificates to for similar reasons. 

Our policy explains how we reward consistently good standards of behaviour in order to promote the highest standards and how we will deal with incidents when our expectations are not met. Our behaviour policy reflects our Christian ethos and values in action. Children should always know that their behaviour is their responsibility but also that they can be forgiven and start again if they are able to say sorry and make amends.

Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Detailed statements of the school's Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium can be found on the dedicated page

PE and Sports Premium

Detailed statements of the school's PE and Sports Premium can be found on the dedicated page

Equality Duty and Action Plan

It is the school’s policy that all children and their parents be treated equally regardless of gender, religion, race, nationality, social background or disability. 


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Information about inclusion and how we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found on our dedicated page

Complaints Policy

 We hope you would contact the school in the instance of any issues however, if you feel the need to make a complaint a copy of this Policy can be found below:

Trust Annual reports and accounts

Trust annual reports and accounts are published annually on the trust website which can be accessed on the following link.  Please see below a copy of the master funding agreement for the trust.  The articles of association and current scheme of delegation can be found on the trust website.

Governance Arrangements

Information for Governance arrangements for the Trust can be found here on the trust website.

Details about arrangements for governance and their responsibilities for the local academy board can be found here on our dedicated page 

Charging Policy

The school's charging and remissions policy can be found below

Values and Ethos

Our Vision as a Church of England school is to deliver a caring, stimulating and enjoyable experience for all our pupils, during which pupils are expected to do their best at all times and to live out our Christian values, underpinned by John 10:10-

Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness.

Further information about our school ethos and values can be found on the following page