Our Local Academy Board (Governors)

Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness. John, 10:10

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Welcome to our page where you can find out more about the Governors role and who they are.

Local Academy Board

The Local Academy Board is made up of foundation (church), parent, community and staff governors as well as the Headteachers. 



Date Appointed

Maria Hawkes Head Teacher & Ex Officio 13/11/23
Annie Turner Community Governor 01/05/22
Garry Steele  Foundation Governor 01/07/21
Richard Symonds (Chair of LAB) Parent Governor 12/05/23

Our responsibilities

As Governors we meet each half term and are responsible for standards, safeguarding, SEND and stakeholders engagament along with monitoring the effectiveness of the school against its agreed objectives

We do this by examining the data, meeting with staff and regularly visiting school to look at what happens. There is a Governor linked to key areas such as Safeguarding and Special Educational Needs.  

As a church school we also have an Ethos committee that monitors the christian vision and reflects and acts upon the SIAMS action plan.

Information on how to become a Governor

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at the school please contact the clerk of the Local Academy Board  further information.

Richard Symonds

Chair of Governors

Local Academy Board Documents