Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness. John, 10:10

At Wilbarston, we are all teachers of children with SEND (Special education needs and disabilities).

We strive to provide an all-round education for every learner, rooted in respect, care and honesty. We value them as individuals and recognise the different paths they go on; we aim to meet their both their academic and wellbeing needs as well as equipping them with life skills.

We aim to support them at every step of the journey as part of our community whilst preparing them for their next steps. We provide a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which is adapted to maximise achievement for all regardless of their starting points, with inclusion for all at the heart of everything that we do. 

We get to know our children with SEND as individuals so that we can put the right provision in place to meet their specific needs.

If your child has SEND, here is what you can expect from us –

  • Termly review meetings where you will be invited to come in and discuss how your child is getting on
  • Being involved in the setting of targets on your child’s Individual Education Plan
  • Your child’s voice being heard through One Page Profiles
  • High aspirations for your child with a focus on celebrating their strengths and working on strengthening their areas of difficulty
  • Your child’s well-being a priority at all times
  • A commitment to working together at any difficult times your child may have with a solution focussed approach

Meet our Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo)

L Parks Teacher

Hello, my name is Mrs Park. I am the Inclusion Leader and Special Needs Co-ordinator here at Wilbarston CE Primary School. I am responsible for looking after the needs of our childrenwho may need a little bit of extra support to help them with their learning. I work with the teachers to set targets and interventions for children to help them. I also am responsible for referring children to outside agencies for additional support, if required. This can be to therapists for speech or co-ordination difficulties, to the children’s medical department/school nurse for issues around continence or wellbeing or to St Mary’s for potential needs around attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).

The majority of children come to me through teacher referral however, it is really important that you, as parents, are able to come to me with your concerns. So, if you’ve got worries around the following things, or something I’ve not mentioned, please use the office email address to get in touch with me, and we can go from there.

    • Rigid behaviour or need for routine
    • Inflexibility or need to stick to rules
    • Social or communication concerns
    • Speech and language concerns including stammering or elective mutism
    • Co-ordination difficulties such as balance or hand to eye co-ordination 
    • Concerns over learning or retention of information

These are just a couple of examples. If you’ve got worries I’ve not mentioned feel free to contact me and I will signpost you to the correct place.

The Local Offer

The Local Offer is where all information about services for children and young people with special educational needs is written down in one place.

Access is via this link: www3.northamptonshire.gov.uk/local-offer

The SEND Information Advice and Support Service 

North Northamptonshire's SEND Information Advice Support (IAS) service provides free, impartial information, advice and support to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families about:

  • education
  • health
  • social care

North Northamptonshire SEND IAS covers Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering and Wellingborough areas.


Special Educational Needs & Inclusion Documents