Nursery/ Early Years Foundation Stage Class Consultation

Wilbarston CE Primary School and Pathfinder Schools Trust undertook a consultation in relation to the proposal to reduce the age-range of the school to 3-11 years in order to open a combined Early Years Foundation Stage class within the school during the academic year 2024/25. The consultation ran from Friday 17th May – Friday 21st June 2024.

The identified consultee groups were:

  • parents/carers of pupils of the school;
  • parents/carers of pupils offered a place at the school for the next academic year;
  • staff working at the school and any staff due to be employed at the school from the next academic year;
  • Governors and Trustees;
  • The Local Authority;
  • Diocese of Peterborough
  • Local schools/Nursery providers who might be affected or have an opinion on the change;
  • Parish Councillors;
  • PCC;
  • Local councillors;
  • MP

The consultation was undertaken through open meetings for key stakeholder groups, email, letter and online form responses.

The consultation received 8 responses in total from the stakeholder groups.

8 responses were from parental and community consultees and these are set out below for transparency.

There were no objections raised to the proposal from any stakeholders. Significantly all responses positively praising the proposal.

Therefore, the recommendation is for the proposal to be presented to Pathfinder Schools Trust Trustees for ratification at their next meeting, and following ratification to the DfE to seek approval for this change to take place, with the aim of opening the combined setting as soon as is practicable during the academic year 2024/25

Our sincerest thanks for your engagement in this process and for your support for the next exciting phase of development for our school and Early Years Foundation Stage class, and for our community.

Consultation Documents