Support for Families

Jesus said, I have come that you should have life, life in all its fullness. John, 10:10

If you are worried about your children or feeling like you aren’t coping, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. All families go through ups and downs and help is at hand. It may seem as if everyone else is coping but we help families regularly. Modern life is tough! If you need help, please ask. As a school we have a variety of support networks that we can put you in touch with to help support you at home.

One of the things we have seen really help families is the behaviour approach 1,2,3 MAGIC. You can find and the book easily online to guide you if you would rather try this yourself. We do offer MAT parents courses in this approach. It is usually a session once a week for 4 weeks at one of the bigger schools. Parents have found talking with other parents really helpful at this course. Again, email us for the details.


We are always here to help in whatever ways we can. If you need to talk through any of your worries and concerns with us please make an appointment to see your class teacher. Please tell us about bereavements (including pets), serious illnesses and family breakdown. Your child deserves our support and we can’t help if we don’t know.
Advice and support for children and families with Special Educational Needs can be obtained by contacting Mrs Park through the School Office.

We have access to a Parent Support Advisor within the trust, please contact us in confidence to access a PSA. This trained support staff member builds relationships with families and can support you in all sorts of ways from your child not sleeping through the night to behaviour management. Speak to or email the school in confidence via the school office and we can ask for her involvement.


Our local PCSOs are always on hand to support the school and community. We can contact them if you ask.

Northamptonshire County Council
Northamptonshire offer guidance for agencies who support families who have children with special educational needs. Here is the link.

Early Help

Here is a link to explain how else we can help you. This is the Local Authority Early Help page. We can draw up a plan and work with other agencies such as health or family support to help you if you, your child or family are in need of extra help. Have a look at this page to see if you would benefit.  It is all confidential. 

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